Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wtf is Moldova???

Wow. I'm not sure where to start, so many things to share and I've only been here for about a week. I guess I'll just start with a brief description of what I'm doing and where I'm at.

For those of you who haven't been paying attention, I joined the Peace Corps and they sent me to MOLDOVA! Wtf is Moldova, you say? Well my friends, this small nation (about the size of Maryland) has a population of about 4 million and is situated between Ukraine and Romania in Eastern Europe. It used to be a part of the Soviet Union until it gained it's independence after the Soviet collapse.

I will be living here for a total of 27 months. Yes, i said 27 months. While I'm here, I'll be learning the Romanian language, and teaching the English language. For the first 10 weeks, I'll be in PST, Pre-service training, in Costesti (Cos-tesht) with a host family. I am studying Romanian and learning how to teach English in the Moldovan school systems. After PST, I'll get assigned a location where I'll live and teach for 2 years. Sound fun? I think so!


Anonymous said...

So surely more has happened in Moldova since this first post ... inquiring minds want to know. :-)

bgfalcon said...

What is the weather like there? What will the age group be that you will be teaching? Hope all is still going well.